Get export cherries from your adopted tree

We grow your cherries & post you your cherries when they're ready.

Adopt a TreeForest Lodge Orchard Electric Cherries Logo
Adopt your own cherry tree

We grow your cherries & post you your cherries when they're ready.

Adopt your own cherry tree

We grow your cherries & post you your cherries when they're ready.

Adopt your Tree

Forest Lodge Orchard Blog

Discover updates from the team about everything farm life.

Why we use Electric Orchard Equipment

October 18, 2020
There is an advantage to starting an orchard with a blank canvas in 2019, and that is that we can take full advantage of an age of new electric...

UFO Water Requirements - We got our consent approved!

October 13, 2020
The most important ingredients for horticulture are sun and water, and because Central Otago has plenty of sun, we also need plenty of water....

Planting Day - October 2019

October 9, 2020
Its October 2019 which is far too late to be planting cherry trees in central Otago but nothing ever goes to plan in horticulture.