Get export cherries from your adopted tree

We grow your cherries & post you your cherries when they're ready.

Adopt a TreeForest Lodge Orchard Electric Cherries Logo
Adopt your own cherry tree

We grow your cherries & post you your cherries when they're ready.

Adopt your own cherry tree

We grow your cherries & post you your cherries when they're ready.

Adopt your Tree

Electric Cherry Tree


The history of your adopted tree, check in during this season for updates on the growing progress.

January 2, 2025

Cherries coming real soon!

It's nearly cherry time...

We’re thrilled to let you know that the cherries from your adopted tree are ready and will soon be on their way to you! Your tree has been lovingly cared for, and its delicious fruit is a testament to the season’s hard work and nature’s magic.

Keep an eye out for your delivery, and get ready to enjoy the sweet taste of your very own Electric Cherries.

Thank you for being part of the Forest Lodge Orchard family and supporting a sustainable future for NZ farming.

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December 30, 2024

Look at these cherries 👀

The countdown is on we are just waiting for your cherries to be at their best.

The cherries are starting to develop that gorgeous dark red colour, a sign that they're almost ready for harvest. It won’t be long before they’re perfectly ripe and ready to make their journey to you. Lots of fun happening out on the orchard now were super busy getting everything ready and picking some of the earlier cherries to send out.

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October 23, 2024

First look at cherries...

Soon these will be cherries.

A beautiful new stage in its journey! After a season of nurturing and care, we’re starting to see the first signs of fruitlets. These tiny beginnings will soon grow and transform into the sweet, juicy cherries you’ve been eagerly waiting for. It’s a delicate process, with each fruitlet developing as the tree channels all its energy into producing the very best Electric Cherries for you.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be keeping a close eye on these little gems, making sure they’re protected from any harsh weather and getting all the nutrients they need. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your tree stays healthy and vibrant throughout this critical stage.

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September 20, 2024

Harvest - 100 Days Away

the countdown is on...

Our crop is looking very promising this year and it’s estimated that we’re around 100 days till it’s time to pick your cherries from your tree.

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September 15, 2024

White Tip Stage

First look at the blossom

Your cherry tree has now officially entered the White Tip phase, an exciting stage in its growth cycle. At this moment, the white buds are beginning to push out of their protective sheaths, preparing for their eventual blossoming. It's a delicate and crucial phase, as the buds gradually expose more of their soft, white petals, hinting at the vibrant blooms to come. This transition marks the culmination of weeks of preparation, where the tree has been gathering energy to support the rapid development that will soon follow.

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September 11, 2024

Tight Cluster to White Tip

The cherry buds have finally woken up from their long winter slumber, signalling the beginning of a new growth phase. After spending the colder months in dormancy, they're now on the verge of transitioning from the Tight Cluster phase to the White Tip phase. This exciting moment marks the start of visible growth, as the buds begin to swell and prepare for bloom. The next few days will see these tight clusters gradually open, revealing the first hints of white petals that will eventually lead to a full blossom. It's a promising sign for the cherry season ahead.

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September 10, 2024

The Bees are coming...

Time to pollenate your tree

Your tree is eagerly awaiting the arrival of nearly one million bees from Taylors Pass Honey, which will soon fill the air with a buzzing symphony as they descend upon its blossoming branches to perform the vital task of pollination. These industrious pollinators will flit from flower to flower, transferring pollen and enabling your tree's blossoms to develop into lush, ripe fruits. This natural process not only ensures the continuation of your tree's life cycle but also contributes to the overall health and productivity of the orchard. The collaboration between your tree and the bees is a remarkable example of nature's interconnectedness, where each plays a crucial role in sustaining the other. As the bees go about their work, they bring with them the promise of a bountiful harvest and the rejuvenation of the ecosystem, making their anticipated arrival a pivotal moment in the season.

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August 30, 2024

UFO Tree Looking Upright for Spring

Spring has sprung

It’s creeping closer to Springtime, and following our winter jobs we’re now in the process of clipping your UFO tree to its support wire so it stands nice and tall waiting for Harvest.

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August 25, 2024

First Signs of Green

We're getting excited

Spring is just around the corner and it’s nice to see some greenery back onto your tree after a sleepy winter.

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June 8, 2024

Pruning Going Well

Maintaining Your Tree During Winter

Your tree has been pruned and is getting ready for blossom in Springtime. Orchard is looking lovely & tidy!

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January 1, 2023

The Second Harvest

Big juicy cherries

Our cherries got bigger & better by year, and this was our first export-quality harvest from your tree.

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January 1, 2022

The First Harvest

This tree grew its first small harvest of cherries

The first cherries were picked off your tree, and it was our very first harvest on the orchard.

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December 17, 2020

First Growth‍

UFO Trellis System Installed

We installed our UFO growing trellises, meaning your tree grows Upright for the most efficient harvest and best cherries possible!

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September 1, 2020

Your Tree Was Planted

Your adopted tree was planted at Forest Lodge Orchard

The Forest Lodge journey began, and your tree was planted.

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Post Tree Update

Thank you team, we will add this update shortly!
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